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Marquardt Dentists
Parkstraße 21
50968 Cologne, Germany
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Marquardt Dentists
Parkstraße 21
50968 Cologne, Germany
Telephone +49. 221. 41 20 02
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Bone Augmentation

For a good, long-term prognosis for secure teeth, implants need a healthy and stable foundation.

Teeth that have been missing for a long period, periodontitis or inflammatory processes can lead to a reduction of the bones in the jaw. A so-called bone augmentation can be performed to securely anchor the implant. Autologous bone (bone from your own body) or scientifically examined and/or clinically prepared alternative bone material can be used to augment bone within the jaw. We use strictly conservative methods – first augmentation, then implantation – because we know from experience that this is the most stable method over the long-term.