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Marquardt Dentists
Parkstraße 21
50968 Cologne, Germany
Telephone +49. 221. 41 20 02
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Marquardt Dentists
Parkstraße 21
50968 Cologne, Germany
Telephone +49. 221. 41 20 02
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All-on-4 Fixed Teeth in One Day

With the help of special implants we can provide patients who have already lost or will lose several teeth with permanent fixed prostheses – in one single operation.

Four implants per dental arch are normally enough to affix a stable, safe and long-term bridge (All-on-4 method). Depending on the individual situation and the existing bone volume, between four and six implants per arch are placed (All-on-4™, All-on-5, All-on-6, All-on-X). The number of implants plays a subordinate role. We focus on the safe and stable attachment of your “permanent dentures“.

Time-consuming bone replacement in advance is avoided. Within a few hours you receive a firmly anchored bridge. After surgery you can immediately chew with your new teeth.

Your benefits at a glance

  • The „Permanent Dentures in 1 Day“ method is usually always possible.
  • You leave the practice on the same day with beautiful, fixed teeth.
  • With this method you avoid long healing times without teeth.
  • Time-consuming bone grating is not necessary.
  • Unlike full prostheses: palate-free solution due to a custom-made bridge.
  • The number of visits to the practice are reduced.
  • Costs are reduced by about 30% compared to conventional methods (8 implants per arch with bone grafting).