Holistic Dentistry
Holistic dentistry is a new interdisciplinary field for dentists, other specialized doctors and dental technicians. Holistic dentistry focuses on the comprehensive dental treatment of chronically ill patients, as well as the implementation of an individual preventive treatment concept that aims at forestalling or relieving chronic inflammatory illnesses that are far removed from the oral cavity.
An increasing number of people suffer from a chronic inflammatory disease. The most common are allergies, diabetes, rheumatic illnesses, gastrointestinal diseases, osteoporosis, chronic infections or cardiovascular disorders.
It is now believed that numerous individual triggers and cofactors are relevant in activating chronic inflammatory illnesses. In our modern society we regularly deal with increasingly challenging irritations, which accumulate and initiate the inflammation.
Dentistry is not possible without introducing foreign materials into the body. However, any material can cause inflammation if the patient has an allergic reaction to it or if, due to faulty processing, high concentrations of material components affect the body. On the other hand, dentists can help detect and eliminate hidden inflammatory sites. A science-based interdisciplinary and comprehensive treatment can help eliminate inflammatory triggers and provide the patient with relieve.