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Marquardt Dentists
Parkstraße 21
50968 Cologne, Germany
Telephone +49. 221. 41 20 02
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Marquardt Dentists
Parkstraße 21
50968 Cologne, Germany
Telephone +49. 221. 41 20 02
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Prophylaxis and Cleaning School for Children

One of our top priorities in pediatric dental medicine is the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums.

Through guidance and with visual aids your child learns how to protect teeth from caries and gums from infection. They also learn where it’s possible to improve brushing, so that caries and bacteria don’t have a chance. It is particularly important to us to positively support your child by praising existing strengths and to try to motive individual responsibility.

For the preservation of healthy, caries-free teeth, the proper brushing technique and regular removal of hard and soft plaque through professional dental cleaning are very important. Professional cleaning also prepares the child for later treatment.