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Marquardt Dentists
Parkstraße 21
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Marquardt Dentists
Parkstraße 21
50968 Cologne, Germany
Telephone +49. 221. 41 20 02
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In-Office Whitening

White teeth don’t need to remain a dream, because we can easily and gently whiten your teeth (teeth whitening) with specialized treatments. In our practice we work with modern and well-proven in-office methods. This professional teeth whitening system achieves noticeable whitening within 60 minutes. Alternatively, we also offer home whitening treatments. We’re happy to explain the possible alternatives and help you choose the optimum solution.

Just how effective these methods are have been illustrated by studies, in which it was shown that through the use of an LED lamp the effectiveness of the utilized whitening gel was increased by at least 26 percent.

If you’d like to have your teeth whitened at our practice in Cologne it will take a total of about 90 minutes. Of this, around 30 minutes are needed for the necessary preparations, after which follows approximately 60 minutes for the whitening. During this time you can relax and listen to music or watch videos or television. Today, whitening of teeth is completely straightforward and has long been an established practice in the field of aesthetic dentistry. The fact that it does not damage tooth structure has also been scientifically proven.